Are you interested in giving back to your community? Are you interested in responding to emergency calls and help make a difference.
Help your neighbor and save a life! Join our team today!
The Westfield Volunteer Rescue Squad is an all-volunteer organization that provides emergency medical services free of charge 24/7/365. Our members are Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs) . However, no prior experience is needed. All necessary training will be provided.
Requirements to Join:
- Applicants must be at least 16 years of age
- For applicants over 18, a valid New Jersey driver's license is required. (A non-restricted NJ driver license is necessary in order to drive the ambulance)
- Availability to complete one duty period a week (daytime and nighttime shifts available).
WVRS provides all members with CPR and EMT training (EMT training is normally provided after 12 weeks riding as a non-EMT probationary member). EMT training is available at our building multiple times during the year as well as at other training centers around NJ.
Tuition and child-care reimbursement is available. LOSAP Pension program as well as a scholarship program is also available to members.
Please Click Next to Continue to the Application. If you are unable to complete the online application, click the link below for the PDF application.
Westfield Volunteer Rescue Squad
335 Watterson St - P.O. Box 356
Westfield, New Jersey 07091 - 0356
(908) 233-2500
Dear Prospective Member,
Thank you for your interest in joining the Westfield Volunteer Rescue Squad.
This online application contains all the material required for the first step in applying for membership. Upon receipt of the application, we will immediately begin processing them. After processing your application, we will be in touch with you by email/telephone to schedule an interview.
We ask that you retain the two-page fact sheet and other forms that are available for download at the end of the application for your reference and become familiar with the information.
If you are unable to complete the online application, please scroll to the bottom of this page to view a PDF version of the application. Please email your application to or drop it off at our building (335 Watterson St, Westfield, NJ 07090).
If you have any questions regarding your application, please feel free to email, stop by our building anytime to speak to one of our members (335 Watterson St, Westfield, NJ 07090), or call us at (908) 233-2500.
We look forward to receiving your application.
Membership Committee
Westfield Volunteer Rescue Squad
First Name
Last Name
Prefer Not To Disclose
Phone Number
Date of Birth
Social Security #
NJ Driver's License #
If Applicable, Attach a Copy of NJ Driver's License
Street Address
Zip Code
Current Occupation/Job Title (If You Attend College/School, Please Put Student as Your Occupation/Job Title)
Current Employer (If You Attend College/School, Please Put the Name of the College/School You Attend)
Have You Ever Applied to or Been a Member of an EMS Organization, Paid or Volunteer?
If Yes, Please List the Full Name of the Organization and the Reason You Left the Organization
Other Relevant Certifications
Attach Copies of Any/All Certifications
Certification Upload 1
Certification Upload 2
Certification Upload 3
Certification Upload 4
Have You Been Convicted of Any Traffic Violations in the Last Five (5) Years?
If Yes, Please Give the Approximate Year and Type(s) of Violation(s) Below
Have You Ever Been Convicted of a Misdemeanor or a Felony?
If Yes, Please Explain
Do You Have Any Outstanding Charges Pending?
If Yes, Please Explain Any Outstanding Charges Currently Pending
Disclosure Regarding Background Investigation
The Westfield Volunteer Rescue Squad, Inc. may request, for lawful employment purposes, background information about you from a consumer reporting agency in connection with your employment or application for employment (including independent contractor assignments, as applicable). This background information may be obtained in the form of consumer reports and/or investigative consumer reports (commonly known as “background reports”). These background reports may be obtained at any time after receipt of your authorization and, if you are hired or engaged by the Company, throughout your employment or your contract period.
HireRight, Inc., or another consumer reporting agency, will prepare or assemble the background reports for the Company. HireRight, Inc. is located and can be contacted by mail at 5151 California, Irvine, CA 92617, and HireRight can be contacted by phone at (800) 400-2761.HireRight, Inc., or another consumer reporting agency, will prepare or assemble the background reports for the Company. HireRight, Inc. is located and can be contacted by mail at 5151 California, Irvine, CA 92617, and HireRight can be contacted by phone at (800) 400-2761.
The types of information that may be obtained include, but are not limited to: social security number verifications; address history; credit reports and history; criminal records and history; public court records; driving records; accident history; worker’s compensation claims; bankruptcy filings; educational history verifications (e.g., dates of attendance, degrees obtained); employment history verifications (e.g., dates of employment, salary information, reasons for termination, etc.); personal and professional references checks; professional licensing and certification checks; drug/alcohol testing results, and drug/alcohol history in violation of law and/or company policy; and other information bearing on your character, general reputation, personal characteristics, mode of living and credit standing.
This information may be obtained from private and public record sources, including, as appropriate: government agencies and courthouses; educational institutions; former employers; personal interviews with sources such as neighbors, friends and associates; and other information sources. If the Company should obtain information bearing on your credit worthiness, credit standing or credit capacity for reasons other than as required by law, then the Company will use such credit information to evaluate whether you would present an unacceptable risk of theft or other dishonest behavior in the job for which you are being evaluated.
You may request more information about the nature and scope of any investigative consumer reports by contacting the Company. A summary of your rights under the Fair Credit Reporting Act is also being provided to you.
Authorization of Background Investigation
I have carefully read and understand this Disclosure and Authorization form and the attached summary of rights under the Fair Credit Reporting Act. By my signature below, I consent to preparation of background reports by a consumer reporting agency such as HireRight, Inc., and to the release of such background reports to the Company and its designated representatives and agents, for the purpose of assisting the Company in making a determination as to my eligibility for employment (including independent contractor assignments, as applicable), promotion, retention or for other lawful employment purposes. I understand that if the Company hires me or contracts for my services, my consent will apply, and the Company may obtain background reports, throughout my employment or contract period.
I understand that information contained in my employment or contractor application, or otherwise disclosed by me before or during my employment or contract assignment, if any, may be used for the purpose of obtaining and evaluating background reports on me. I also understand that nothing herein shall be construed as an offer of employment or contract for services.
I hereby authorize law enforcement agencies, learning institutions (including public and private schools and universities), information service bureaus, credit bureaus, record/data repositories, courts (federal, state and local), motor vehicle records agencies, my past or present employers, the military, and other individuals and sources to furnish any and all information on me that is requested by the consumer reporting agency.
Who We Are
The WVRS is the designated emergency medical service (EMS) for the Town of Westfield. It is a self-governing, volunteer staffed organization separate and apart from the municipal government, although it does work closely with the Town's police and fire departments.It is financially independent from the Town of Westfield, and receives its entire operational budget from tax deductible contributions from the community.
The WVRS maintains a headquarters facility centrally located at Watterson Street, near the South Avenue traffic circle, from which it operates three ambulances. In addition to ambulance bays, the facilities include operations, dispatch, meeting, office, and recreation rooms, as well as a duty crew dormitory.
Our members consist of "riding" members, either full "Regular Members" who have completed training as emergency medical technicians (EMT), or "Probationary Members", who are still in training or performing under supervision of regular members.
While a lot of our volunteers live or work within Westfield, there is no residency requirement. Members come from varied occupational and educational backgrounds, and their age ranges from high school through retirement.
Duty crew riding members (divided into morning, afternoon, and night shifts) perform their duty periods at the headquarters. By being a "resident squad”, the WVRS is thus able to significantly reduce its average response time.
To become a riding member you must possess a valid New Jersey driver’s license (if over the age of 18) and be capable of performing the job responsibilities of an emergency medical technician. This requires certain physical capabilities, such as the ability to lift equipment and stretchers with patients on them, and to drive under hazardous conditions, mental capability to meet and maintain training levels, and emotional capability to deal with often stressful situations.
Applicants for riding membership must be capable of completing classroom work at the beginning college level. Initial EMT training is the equivalent of a three or four credit one semester college course.EMT training is offered locally by several organizations that specialize in EMS education. EMTs must recertify every three years: EMTs must successfully complete refresher courses and obtain the necessary amount of continuing education credits. EMTs must also obtain and every two years recertify in the cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) course for professional health care providers. This course is offered periodically by instructors at the WVRS building.
The squad offers monthly in-house training sessions, and publicizes other courses available through other squads or local hospitals. A probationary member’s duty crew will familiarize the new member with squad specific protocols and assist him or her in practical application of EMT classroom training, while certain procedures will be explained by specific squad training personnel, all overseen by the squad's training officer, who follows a checklist to insure each probationary becomes fully familiar with all squad equipment and its use.
A probationary member is expected to pull one duty period a week. Night time duty periods start at 6:00 PM and run through 8:00 AM. Weekday duty periods are 8:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M., and 1:00 P.M. to 6:00 P.M. (Special arrangements can sometimes be arranged for members with special specific work or school schedules and can be discussed further with the membership committee.)
Additionally, all members are expected to abide by squad rules and regulations. These range from those requiring adherence to specific squad call protocols and maintaining patient confidentiality to "housekeeping". Members of all types are subject to immediate dismissal if they discuss / release confidential information to non-members.
Next Steps
After completing this membership application, your driving record is reviewed through the police and the state division of motor vehicles. If satisfactory, you will be interviewed by the squad's membership committee, and undergo an examination by the squad's physician.
While the WVRS adheres to a policy of non-discrimination in its selection process, it otherwise retains the right to determine, at its sole discretion, whether an applicant would be capable of performing squad duties, and thus acceptable for membership.
I hereby apply for membership in the Westfield Volunteer Rescue Squad, Inc. If accepted, I agree to volunteer my services without financial remuneration being diligent, prompt and regular in the performance of my assigned duties and following all regulations. I will not partake of nor consume alcoholic beverages for eight hours prior to or while on duty. I understand that my membership may be rejected if I have intentionally made a false statement of fact or practices, or attempted to practice any deception or fraud in this application.
I acknowledge receipt of a WESTFIELD VOLUNTEER RESCUE SQUAD Fact Sheet.
I acknowledge that I have received and read the anti-harassment policy and have had it explained to me. I also acknowledge that I understand that no employee, member, or third party, up to and including a Board member has the authority to commit any harassment.
I understand that it is my responsibility to abide by all rules contained in the policy. I also understand how to report incidents of harassment as set forth in the anti-harassment policy, including not retaliating against any employee/member exercising his or her rights under the policy.
I also acknowledge that I understand the contents and am able to comply with the requirements and rules and regulations outlined therein.
I understand that equipment issued to me is the property of the Squad. I further state that should there come a time when I am no longer associated with the Squad that it is my responsibility to return each item issued to me within ten (10) days of my leaving.
I further indemnify and hold harmless the WESTFIELD VOLUNTEER RESCUE SQUAD, INC. for any costs incurred by them after said ten days that they must pay to obtain the return of these items. Upon receipt of a bill from the Squad, I will promptly pay these charges.
Professional References
Please provide us with the name, email, and phone number for 1 professional reference. This should not be a family member.
Name of Reference
Relation to Applicant
Email (Reference)
Phone Number (Reference)
Please Use This Area to Share Any Other Relevant/Supporting Information
Please Upload Any Relevant/Supporting Documents
How Did You Hear About the Westfield Volunteer Rescue Squad?
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